Trump is Now a Bystander

Here is a very insightful article by Peter Wehner in The Atlantic, titled:

The Trump Presidency is Over

It shows how the nation has started discounting the federal leadership and taken matters into its own hands. Seeing Trump speak now, every time, I can read it in his eyes. He knows it. Everyone does.

2 thoughts on “Trump is Now a Bystander

  1. barbara carlson

    I enjoyed that article very much. IF ONLY I thought… and went to Fox News Facebook to see the inevitable, delusional pro-Trump praise… BUT then read the replies. 90% were negative towards Trump. Certainly there must be some Trumpsters that are peeling off right about now.

    The polling of his virus “handling” competency among Republicans is down to 79% approval from 95% for his handling of Everything Else.

    Sigh. It’s a start.

    1. I am dumbfounded how somebody can support a POTUS that openly states: “I take no responsibility for this.” What happened to the “The Buck Stops Here?” If our leaders take no responsibility, and somehow think they can be proud of that, where does that leave us? Leaderless. And Republicans think that’s ok? Good grief!

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