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Ludicrous Cost of Weapons

During the presidential debate, Obama accused Romney of spending an additional $2 trillion on the military. He didn’t say over what period of time (misleading statistics). But no matter what the time, $2 trillion is a lot of money.

A single Tomahawk cruise missile costs $1.5 million. We lobbed more than a hundred of those into Libya last year.

The Hellfire, an air-to-ground rocket that weighs only about 100 lbs each, usually shot from helicopters like the Apache, costs $115,000 each. When we see shots of helicopters shooting “missiles” into pickup trucks with three or four Taliban in the back on some desert road, that’s a $115,000 shot each time, to obliterate one old truck and a handful of terrorists.

The shoulder-fired Javelin is often used against a single human opponent, perhaps in a cave or foxhole. It costs $147,000 each. And they do miss sometimes.

Of course, the weapons are made in the United States by American workers.

Add up those numbers and then compare those to the cost of Big Bird.

The cost of the Libya bombing of a single day would have paid for a whole year of funding for the Corporation of Public Broadcasting, ensuring jobs for Jim Lehrer, Big Bird, and even Ernie and Kermit.

Romney sounds like a fool.

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